Analysis: done

Save time discovering opportunities in the financial markets

Helping market participants shortcut their research.

We provide traders, brokers and analysts with actionable real-time analysis of the world’s financial markets.

Our team uses established technical, sentiment and fundamental analysis techniques combined with decades of experience to identify points of interest where the evidence is aligning.


We deliver our research via real-time feeds in the world’s fastest communication platform - Telegram. Each piece of analysis is concise and transparent, it contains a chart, the layers of evidence we’ve seen aligning and whether it suggests a bullish or bearish case for that particular market and timeframe.

Daily Insight Feed

€95/mth or €900/yr

Our Daily Insight channel provides the one piece of live research we have the most confidence in at 2100 GMT each trading day. If we don’t have anything we’re confident in we’ll tell you.

Who is this for: Position traders that don’t spend all day trading. Analysts on a deadline.

Flow Feed - Access is closed at this time. Please register your interest by contacting us.

Access a continuous flow of research throughout the trading day. We monitor all major US and European indices, all major and most minor FX pairs, plus the liquid commodities. When you subscribe to this feed you’ll receive a real-time flow of research in these markets.

Expect about 6 to 9 pieces of research per trading day.

Who is this for: Swing and day traders, brokers.

It is important to say what our research feed isn’t. It isn’t advice, a trading signal or an encouragement to trade. It’ll not have a target price, stop loss, take profit level, staking or any trade-specific information. It is designed to help clients shortcut the first stage of their analysis process.